Final Global TraPs Newsletter 13 and follow up activities

In order to properly utilize the achievements of Global TraPs, a proposal was launched for transitioning Global TraPs phosphorus initiative to UNEP Global Partnership for Nutrient Management.

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Vision for sustainable phosphorus in tomorrow’s world

The Global TraPs project identifies critical questions and develops visions and orientations on sustainable phosphorus management.

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Follow up activities of Global TraPs got started:

Follow up activities of Global TraPs, emerging from discussions resulting from the Springer book, some members of Global TraPs launched a special issue of Resources, Conservation and Recycling on Losses and Efficiencies in Phosphorus Management.

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SMAP Kenya - Smallholder Farmers Access to Phosphorus Fertilizer is entering the core phase

Case studies on getting insight how critical questions on sustainable phosphorus use may be aswered are an important tool of Global TraPs. The SMAP ...

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German Phosphorus Platform

The German Conference of Ministers of Environment decided on June 7, 2013 that a German Phosphorus Platform 

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Three Important Activities after the 1st Global TraPs World Conference

The summer break after the 1st Global TraPs World Conference in Beijing (June 18-20) was filled with various activities. Herewith we briefly inform about the most important activities. * Based on a discussion of the Steering Board, a second round

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The 1st Global TraPs World Conference is finished

The 1st Global TraPs Conference took place in Beijing. Day 1 of the conference was dedicated for Mutual Learning Sessions on Chinese Cases (e.g. manure management on animal factory farming) or international cases (such as the role of detergents in water pollution in Manila). Further there have been Dialogue Sessions on critical topics such as supply security.

Day 2 and Day 3 jointly ran under the title 'Global Nutrient Management'. The conference was jointly held with GPNM. A comprehensive evaluation and report on the follow up processes of the Global TraPs conference

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Look at the MLS and DS Forum

The preparation of MLS and DS has started. You may find desriptions of the topics, critical questions to be provided in these sessions. If you click at MLS and DS Forum.

Detailed Programm for Day 2 and Day 3 of the Beijing Conference almost finish

The programm for Day 1 includes 15 Mutual Learning Sessions. About 8-15 people in each Mutual Learning Session (MLS) and 10- 20 people in each Dialogue Sessions (DS) will eleborate messages and orientations on critical questions for sustainable phosphorus management. 

Day 2  and Day 3 will have the format of a symposium and deal with sustainable nutrient managment, in particular nitrogen and phosphorus.

There will 27 lectures under the heading "learning from cases - exploring policy options."  The lectures will be provided by top scientist, representatives from industry, NGOs, politicy etc.. Extentive time will be assigned for discussions. The contributions start with providing the science picture, then illuminate stakeholders views, deal with technology options, and different policy strategies. The conference will be closed by with two pannel discussions on policy orientations. Prof. Klaus Töpfer, Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies, former president of UNEP and minister of Germany will open the conference.

Those who has registrated for the conference and/or who are members of Global TraPs project will receive the programm next week.

Currently already 80 people from the international communities have registered. About same numbers of key actors and scientist are expected from China.

If you want more information about the conference, please contact Anh Pallas-Pham ( or Debbie Hellums (