Multiple Activities on Preparing Case Studies and the 1st World Confernce
- The preparation of the 1st Global TraPs Conference is making progress. The conference to be held June 18-20, 2012 will be conducted at the Freedom Hotel in Beijing, China. The invitation will be forwarded by the end of October. * The 1st Global TraPs World Conference will be conducted jointly with the 5th UNEP-GPNM (Global Partnership for Nutrient Management) conference.
- A highlight of the 1st Global TraPs conference in Beijing will be Mutual Learning Sessions and Dialogue Sessions (see Newsletter 9). Both types of sessions are new elements of discourses supporting mutual learning in transdisciplinary processes.
- There will be two calls to Global TraPs members to prepare for the World Conference. The first call is related to the Case Studies on critical questions (which have been discussed and prioritized during the 3rd and 4th Global TraPs workshops). The second call is for Mutual Learning Sessions and Dialogue Sessions. More information on this call will be provdided in Newsletter 10.
- Due to the multiple activities, Newsletter 10 publication has been delayed until October and not in September as planned.